The Secrets behind the 3 steps Hair Loss Hyper Health Protocol | The Full Guide

Written by: U-Earth Store



Time to read 17 min

Hair loss is a common concern that affects millions of people worldwide. Whether you are dealing with thinning hair, bald patches, or just want to maintain your luscious locks, understanding the root causes and effective treatments is crucial. 

Hyper-U, is a revolutionary solution that combines the power of Rhodiola Rosea and Spirulina to not only combat hair loss but also enhance overall physical and mental well-being.

The BulbScan Test is able to detect accurately the possible causes behind hair thinning and baldness, most likely caused by an imbalance of Vitamins, Minerals, Amminoacids or the presence of an unusual load of heavy metals in the organism.

The importance of healthy hair

Healthy hair isn't just about looking good—it's a vital sign of your overall well-being. When you notice strands thinning or a sudden increase in hair loss, it's more than a cosmetic issue. It's your body's way of signaling that something might be off. 

The Hyper Health Protocol and its unique approach to hair loss treatment

At U-Earth Store, we have a holistic approach to solving complex problems caused by living in a toxic environment by relying on the science of Biotechnology, Genetics and Epigenetics.

We are focused on scientific evidence and results, and this is the approach we have when creating new products, sourced by premium natural ingredients. For this reason we have created the ASSESS step of our Hyper Health protocol, to be able with an easy home test on the hair bulb to uncover your whole metabolic blueprint and give you a powerful tool to integrate exactly what you need, and detox from what is poisoning you. Way beyond an hair test!

Thanks to the revelling results on our Hyper Performing clients, we have lately discovered how Hyper-U is also a game-changer in hair care. Unlike the usual fare, Hyper-U doesn't merely mask the problem with temporary fixes. Instead, it dives deep, addressing hair health through a potent blend of Rhodiola Rosea and Spirulina. This isn't just about saving your hair; it's about elevating your physical and mental health to new heights.

healthy hair

Understanding Hair Loss Causes

Let's cut to the chase. Hair loss can be a real kicker, and it doesn’t play favorites. From genetics to stress, let’s break down the main culprits:


Blame it on the family tree. If your parents or grandparents dealt with hair loss, chances are, you might too. It's all in the DNA. Androgenetic alopecia, more commonly known as male or female pattern baldness, is hardwired into your genes. But this does not mean it's going to happen.

Genetics and epigenetics play crucial roles in hair thinning and baldness. Androgenetic alopecia, a common form of hair loss, is heavily influenced by genetic factors, specifically alterations in the WNT signaling pathway that affect dermal papilla cells and androgen receptors. However, epigenetic factors, such as air pollution and stress, significantly modulate these genetic predispositions. Air pollution introduces toxins that can lead to oxidative stress, damaging hair follicles and accelerating hair loss. Similarly, chronic stress increases cortisol levels, which can trigger epigenetic modifications like DNA methylation, further affecting hair follicle health and growth cycles. Thus, while genetics set the stage for hair loss, environmental factors and stress can exacerbate the condition through epigenetic mechanisms.


Think of your genetic makeup as the blueprint for a building. This blueprint might include plans for weaker areas in the structure, just like your genes might include a tendency for hair thinning. Epigenetic factors are like the environment around the building. Imagine if there are pollutants in the air that corrode the building materials or constant stress, like construction vibrations, that weaken the foundation. These environmental factors can make the building deteriorate faster than it would based on the blueprint alone. Similarly, while your genetics lay the foundation for hair loss, factors like air pollution and stress can speed up the process and make it worse.

And YES, prevention and using high quality targeted supplementation can generate significant improvements if not reversing hair damage and loss.

Hormonal Imbalance

Your hormones can go rogue at the worst times, messing with your hair growth. Conditions like thyroid imbalances or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can trigger hair thinning. Hormonal swings during pregnancy or menopause also don’t help.

Once again a consistent routine of targeted supplementation can help relieve the symptoms and possibly help reverse the problem.

Nutritional Deficiencies

You are what you eat, or in this case, what your hair eats. Lack of essential nutrients like iron, vitamins, and proteins can weaken your hair strands, making them more likely to fall out.

This is why it's very important to know your deficiencies, or even excesses, of the four most important pillars of your metabolism:

Vitamins, Minerals, Aminoacids and the presence of toxic intruders like Heavy metals.

Stress and Lifestyle Factors

Life isn't always a smooth ride. High stress levels can wreak havoc on your body, including your hair. Telogen effluvium, a condition where stress causes hair follicles to go into a resting phase, can be a real issue. Poor lifestyle choices like smoking, excessive drinking, and lack of sleep only add fuel to the fire.

Understanding these factors is half the battle won. Knowing what you're up against can help you tackle hair loss more effectively.

Before and After Hyper-U hair loss

Step 1: Scan your system

Overcoming something so complex as hair loss is not an easy task, as humans are all very unique and different. Most causes like stress and toxicity are common in almost all cases, however if you want to be granular and obtain visible results, your best option is to truly understand what your organism is lacking of. The BulbScan test can be a truly revealing tool for your doctor to recommend the best treatment for you Hyper Health, beyond Hair Loss.

The BulbScan Test is a cutting-edge diagnostic tool designed to detect possible causes of hair loss by identifying metabolic imbalances. This test analyzes the hair bulb, which is the part of the hair follicle located beneath the skin, to provide a comprehensive overview of the body's metabolic history and current state.

How the BulbScan Test Works

The BulbScan Test examines the hair bulb to detect various metabolic imbalances, including the presence of heavy metals, nutrient deficiencies, and other toxic exposures. By analyzing the hair bulb, the test can reveal detailed information about the body's nutritional intake, environmental factors, and overall well-being. This information is crucial for understanding the underlying causes of hair loss and for developing targeted treatment plans.

Key Benefits of the BulbScan Test

  1. Detection of Nutrient Deficiencies : The test can identify deficiencies in 13 essential vitamins and 20 minerals that are crucial for healthy hair growth. Nutrient imbalances can weaken hair follicles and contribute to hair thinning and loss.

  2. Identification of Toxic Exposures : By detecting the presence of 8 heavy metals and other toxins, the BulbScan Test helps uncover environmental factors that may be affecting hair health. Exposure to these toxins can disrupt metabolic processes and damage hair follicles.

  3. Personalized Treatment Plans : The detailed insights provided by the BulbScan Test, like 20 Aminoacids, enable healthcare professionals to develop personalized treatment plans. By addressing specific metabolic imbalances, these plans can effectively target the root causes of hair loss and promote healthier hair growth.

  4. Comprehensive Health Overview : In addition to hair health, the BulbScan Test offers a broader view of an individual's metabolic state, which can be useful for overall health optimization. Understanding metabolic imbalances can also help in addressing other health issues that may be contributing to hair loss.

The BulbScan Test represents a revolutionary step in hair loss diagnosis and treatment by providing a detailed and personalized approach to understanding and addressing the underlying causes of hair loss.

Hair Loss Micronutrient deficiencies spotted with the BulbScan Test

The BulbScan test report indicates several key micronutrient imbalances that are likely to be found in individuals experiencing an epigenetic response to hair loss.

  1. Zinc Deficiency : Zinc is crucial for hair tissue growth and repair. It helps keep the oil glands around the follicles working properly. A deficiency in zinc can lead to hair loss, and it is one of the most common deficiencies observed in those with hair thinning issues.

  2. Iron Deficiency : Iron is another critical nutrient for hair health. It helps red blood cells carry oxygen to your cells. This makes it an important mineral for many bodily functions, including hair growth. A deficiency in iron can cause hair to fall out.

  3. Vitamin D Deficiency : Vitamin D is thought to play a role in hair production. When there isn’t enough vitamin D in your system, new hair growth can be stunted. The report indicates low levels of vitamin D which is often exacerbated by limited sun exposure or high pollution levels blocking UV rays.

  4. Vitamin B12 Deficiency : Vitamin B12 helps in the production of red blood cells, which in turn promotes hair growth. Deficiency in this vitamin can lead to hair loss. The report highlights low levels of Vitamin B12, which can be a significant contributing factor to hair loss.

  5. Magnesium Deficiency : Magnesium plays a key role in hair follicle health and preventing calcium buildup on the scalp, which can cause hair loss. Low magnesium levels, as indicated in the report, could disrupt hair growth.

Environmental factors such as pollution and stress can exacerbate these deficiencies. Pollution can lead to oxidative stress, damaging hair follicles, while chronic stress increases cortisol levels, which negatively impacts hair growth cycles.

Step 2: use the right supplements. For life.

The Power of Rhodiola Rosea

What is Rhodiola Rosea?

Rhodiola Rosea isn't just another herb in the wellness market; it's a powerful adaptogen that's been used for centuries in traditional medicine. Found primarily in the arctic regions of Europe and Asia, Rhodiola Rosea is well-regarded for its ability to combat stress and improve mental clarity. But what makes it a game-changer in the realm of hair health?

Rhodiola Rosea benefits for hair health

1. STRESS REDUCTION: For starters, stress is one of the biggest culprits behind hair loss. High levels of stress can disrupt the hair growth cycle, pushing hair follicles into a resting phase where they stop growing and eventually fall out. Rhodiola Rosea acts as a natural stress-buster, helping to regulate the body's cortisol levels. Lower stress levels mean fewer hair strands in the sink and more on your head.

2. BLOOD CIRCULATION: Another key factor is blood circulation. Good blood flow ensures that hair follicles receive the essential nutrients they need to grow strong and healthy. Rhodiola Rosea improves circulation, making sure that your scalp gets a steady supply of oxygen and nutrients. This results in not just more hair, but healthier hair.

The Science behind how Rhodiola Rosea helps reduce thinning hair and baldness

Rhodiola Rosea, an adaptogenic herb known for its stress-relieving properties, has shown promising potential in addressing hair loss.

Research highlighted on ScienceDirect indicates that Rhodiola Rosea can enhance the body's resistance to stress by regulating cortisol levels, which is crucial since high cortisol levels are linked to hair thinning and loss. 

The herb's powerful antioxidant properties help combat oxidative stress, a factor that can weaken hair follicles and impede hair growth. Additionally, Rhodiola Rosea improves blood circulation, ensuring that hair follicles receive adequate oxygen and nutrients, thereby promoting healthier and stronger hair growth. 

This comprehensive approach makes Rhodiola Rosea a valuable component in hair loss prevention and treatment strategies.

How Hyper-U's Biotech Rhodiola Rosea is 10X different

Now, let's talk about why Hyper-U's Biotech Rhodiola Rosea is a step above the rest. The proprietary biotech process ensures that the Rhodiola retains its bioactive compounds at levels 10 times more effective than standard extracts. This means you get maximum benefits with minimum intake. It's like having a turbo-charged version of an already potent herb.

In summary, Rhodiola Rosea in Hyper-U is not just another ingredient; it's a cornerstone in the fight against hair loss. By reducing stress and boosting blood circulation, it tackles the problem from multiple angles, ensuring that your hair remains not just present, but thriving.

RodioX2 Hyper-U bioavailability

Spirulina for Hair: Nature's Superfood

Spirulina nutritional profile

If you're looking to boost your hair health, Spirulina might just be the superfood you need. Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae that’s packed with nutrients. Just a spoonful of this powerhouse ingredient includes proteins, vitamins, and essential minerals that are crucial for hair growth.

Benefits of Spirulina for hair health

1. RICH IN PROTEINS AND VITAMINS: One of the standout features of Spirulina is its rich protein content. Hair is predominantly made of keratin, a type of protein, so consuming enough protein is vital for hair strength and growth. Spirulina is a complete protein, meaning it contains all essential amino acids, making it an excellent dietary addition for hair health.

2. PROMOTES HAIR GROWTH : Additionally, Spirulina is loaded with vitamins, especially B vitamins like B1, B2, and B3. These vitamins are known to support energy production and reduce inflammation, which indirectly promotes hair growth by ensuring your hair follicles get the nutrients and oxygen they need.

The Science behind why Spirulina work for thinning hair and baldness

"Spirulina is being widely used for promoting hair growth and to combat hair problems like thinning hair and baldness. Spirulina contains amino acids, essential fatty acids, vitamin A and beta-carotene, all of which are great for hair." Research Journal of topical and Cosmetic Science

The research published in the Research Journal of Topical and Cosmetic Sciences highlights the significant benefits of spirulina for hair health. 

Spirulina, a nutrient-dense blue-green algae, is widely used to promote hair growth and combat hair problems such as thinning and baldness. It is rich in amino acids, essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, all of which are crucial for maintaining healthy hair.

The amino acids provide the building blocks for keratin, the protein that makes up hair strands, while the essential fatty acids and vitamins help nourish the scalp and hair follicles, enhancing overall hair strength and vitality.

 These findings support the growing popularity of spirulina as a natural remedy for improving hair health and addressing various hair-related issues.

SpiralOx Spirulina in Hyper-U, sourced from the Blue Zone and pure organic quality

Hyper-U has taken Spirulina to the next level with SpiralOx® Spirulina. Sourced from one of the world's celebrated Blue Zones, where people live healthier and longer lives, this Spirulina is pure and organic. The enhanced quality ensures that you’re getting a potent dose of nutrients, giving your hair the best chance to flourish.

In short, Spirulina offers a naturally rich source of the proteins and vitamins your hair craves, and Hyper-U's SpiralOx Spirulina ensures you get these benefits in their most potent form. So, if you're looking for a simple and effective way to boost your hair's health, Spirulina could be your go-to solution.

SpiralOx Blue Zone production plant

The Synergistic Effect: Rhodiola and Spirulina

An all natural powerful treatment for Hair Loss

When it comes to tackling hair loss and enhancing your overall well-being, the combination of Rhodiola Rosea and Spirulina in Hyper-U is nothing short of transformative. Let's break down why these two natural powerhouses work so effectively together.

Holistic benefits of this combination on physical and mental health

First, Rhodiola Rosea, known for its adaptogenic properties, helps your body manage stress more efficiently. Stress reduction is critical because chronic stress can wreak havoc on your hair follicles, leading to hair thinning and loss.

What makes Hyper-U stand out is its Biotech Rhodiola Rosea, which boasts 10 times the bioavailability of standard Rhodiola. This means it gets absorbed by your body more effectively, providing maximum stress reduction and improved blood flow to your scalp.

On the other side of this dynamic duo is Spirulina. Spirulina is packed with essential proteins, vitamins, and minerals that nourish your hair from the inside out. Hyper-U's SpiralOx Spirulina is sourced from the Blue Zone and guarantees pure organic quality.

Spirulina's high protein content is particularly beneficial for promoting hair growth and improving hair strength, making your locks less prone to breakage and splitting.

But the magic truly happens when these two ingredients join forces. The combined effects of reduced stress and enhanced nutrition work holistically to bolster both your physical and mental health.

Lower stress levels translate to a healthier hormonal balance, which in turn supports better hair growth. Additionally, the nutrient-dense Spirulina enriches your body, enhancing your immunity and overall well-being.

In essence, Rhodiola Rosea and Spirulina in Hyper-U form a comprehensive approach to hair health. This synergistic blend not only aims to reduce hair loss but also boosts your general health, putting you on a holistic path to feeling and looking your best.

How Hyper-U Stands Out for Hair Loss

Hyper-U isn't your typical hair-loss treatment. It's a meticulously crafted formula designed with two supercharged components: Biotech Rhodiola Rosea and pure, organic SpiralOx Spirulina. These aren't just fancy names; they represent the peak of bioavailability and potency, respectively.

How Rhodiola Rosea In Hyper-U promotes hair regrowth.

First up, let's talk about Biotech Rhodiola Rosea. This isn't the Rhodiola you find in your standard supplement aisle. Hyper-U employs a biotech process that enhances the bioavailability of Rhodiola Rosea, making it a whopping 10 times more effective than its traditional counterpart.

This means that your body absorbs and utilizes it far more efficiently. With Rhodiola's proven capability to reduce stress and improve blood circulation—key factors in promoting hair regrowth—this elevated effectiveness translates directly to more tangible results, faster.

SpiralOx from the Blue Zone in Sardinia

Next, there's SpiralOx Spirulina, sourced directly from the Blue Zones—areas of the world known for inhabitants who live longer and healthier lives. Pure and organic, SpiralOx Spirulina isn't just spirulina; it's the best spirulina you can get. Packed with proteins, vitamins, and antioxidants, this nutrient-dense superfood fosters an environment conducive to hair growth while fortifying your overall health.

The purity and organic quality of SpiralOx Spirulina ensure that you're not ingesting any unwanted additives or contaminants, only the good stuff. Learn in  this article the dangers of using low quality supplements.

The great combo

But where Hyper-U really shines is in how these two ingredients work together. The superior bioavailability of the Rhodiola Rosea, combined with the unmatched quality of SpiralOx Spirulina, creates a powerful synergistic effect. This one-two punch supports hair regrowth by targeting multiple facets of your well-being: reduced stress levels, improved blood circulation, and enhanced nutritional support.

Need evidence? A look at the "Natural Medicine Journal" backs it up, pointing to the roles of stress management and nutritional support in maintaining hair health. With Hyper-U, you're not just treating the symptoms of hair loss; you're addressing the root causes, and boosting your overall health at the same time.

Practical Tips for Using Hyper-U

Incorporating Hyper-U into your daily routine is straightforward and can effortlessly become a part of your lifestyle. Here are a few guidelines to help you get the most out of this powerful supplement:

  1. Consistent Usage : Take Hyper-U consistently each day, as directed on the packaging. The steady intake of Biotech Rhodiola Rosea and SpiralOx Spirulina will help you maintain optimal levels of these potent ingredients in your system, maximizing their benefits.

  2. Morning Boost : Make Hyper-U a part of your morning routine. Taking it in the morning can give you an energy boost and set a positive tone for the rest of your day. Simply mix it into your smoothie, juice, or water.

  3. Complement with a Balanced Diet : Though Hyper-U is a powerhouse of nutrients, it works best when complemented with a balanced diet. Incorporate plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats into your meals. This provides a well-rounded supply of the vitamins and minerals necessary for optimal hair health.

  1. Hydration is Key : Drinking sufficient water throughout the day aids in nutrient absorption and helps maintain hydration, which is vital for both your hair and overall health. Aim for at least 8 glasses of water daily.

  2. Regular Exercise : Physical activity boosts blood circulation, which in turn nourishes your hair follicles with more oxygen and nutrients. Try to engage in at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise, such as brisk walking or cycling, most days of the week.

  3. Stress Management : Since stress is a significant factor in hair loss, incorporating stress management techniques is crucial. Practices like yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises, or even simple hobbies that relax you can make a big difference.

Incorporating Hyper-U into your daily regimen along with these lifestyle tips can significantly enhance your journey towards healthier hair. Stick with the routine, and you’ll likely start noticing improvements not only in your hair but in your overall sense of well-being.

Real-Life Success Stories

Meet Jane, a 45-year-old who struggled with thinning hair for years. "I tried countless products," she says, "but nothing worked until Hyper-U." Within six months of continuous use, she noticed significant less hair loss and a decrease in shedding. Her hair started gradually to get thicker and shiny. Her experience echoes many testimonials we’ve received.

Then there's Michele, a 30-year-old fitness enthusiast. Stress and a busy lifestyle had taken a toll on his hair so he took a BulbScan Test. He discovered his imbalances and toxic load and started using Hyper-U and SpiralOx on a daily basis.  "Hyper-U not only improved my hair health but also gave me an unexpected boost in overall well-being," Michele shares.

Sara, a nurse dealing with the daily grind of long shifts, found solace in Hyper-U. "My hair was thinning due to extreme stress. Hyper-U helped me with stronger and healthier looking hair and feel calmer."

These are not isolated cases. Hyper-U has transformed lives by tapping into the synergistic power of Rhodiola Rosea and Spirulina, proving that a holistic solution can yield tangible, life-enhancing results.

Unlocking the secrets to healthy hair doesn't have to be a labyrinthine endeavor. Through our exploration of Hyper-U, we've delved into how its potent ingredients, Rhodiola Rosea and Spirulina, work hand-in-hand to combat hair loss while boosting overall physical and mental well-being. The unique formulations of Biotech Rhodiola Rosea and SpiralOx Spirulina set Hyper-U apart, making it a formidable ally in your quest for luscious locks.

As you weigh your options, consider Hyper-U not just as a hair treatment but as a holistic enhancement to your lifestyle. Seamlessly integrating it into your daily routine, combined with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and stress management practices, can lead to a transformative experience.

Your hair deserves the best, and with Hyper-U, you’re not merely treating the symptoms—you’re fostering a foundation for enduring health and vitality. Explore Hyper-U and take the next step toward reclaiming a healthier, more vibrant you.

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