Spiralox Flakes 3 Pack Bundle
Italian Organic Spirulina
100% Vegan & Gluten-free
Packed with nutrients & vitamins
Made in Italy
Spiral-OX is the superhero of microalgae, ready to save the day with its powerful nutritional properties! It's no wonder the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has dubbed this algae the "Food of the Future." Packed with all the essential nutrients needed to fuel our bodies and support development, Spirulina is here to give us the boost we need to take on the world. So why settle for ordinary food when you can have the superfood of the future?
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The New Super Food
Engineered to stay healthy
Pristinely Sourced
A Wealth of Nutrients
Each Spiralox Tab is loaded with essential nutrients that your body craves. From protein to Omega 6, these tablets are more than a supplement - they're your daily dose of wellness. Here's what you'll find inside:
- VITAMIN B1, B3, C, E
- OMEGA 6"
Super Nutritious
Spirulina outshines even the healthiest foods. It has 8 times more calcium than milk, 34 times more iron than spinach, and 20 times more beta-carotene than carrots. With Spiralox Tabs, it's better than an apple a day.