Tutto inizia con questa premessa:

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E ogni prodotto che creiamo inizia con questa idea in mente.

Cosa dovresti sapere sui nostri prezzi

I nostri prodotti sono realizzati con un'attenzione meticolosa alla qualità, utilizzando ingredienti selezionati con rigore e dosi clinicamente efficaci per garantire un assorbimento e un'efficacia ottimali.

Diamo priorità agli ingredienti naturali e di alta qualità nelle nostre offerte come Spiralox® e Hyper-U®, progettati per supportare e migliorare il tuo benessere mentale e fisico. Investire nella tua salute con i nostri prodotti significa scegliere uno stile di vita dedicato a vivere meglio e in modo più sano.

Utilizziamo anche imballaggi sostenibili o riciclabili e riduciamo al minimo la nostra impronta di spedizione.

I nostri prodotti sono 100% made in Italy.

La Missione

U-Earth Store is built on the principle of hyper health, which is guided by three main pillars: 

• Hyper natural ingredients

• Hyper performance

• Hyper sustainability

To uphold these pillars, all the products from the U-Earth Store share a common set of features: attention to design, biotechnology, premium quality ingredients and respect for the environment.

The Ingredients & Formulas

The ingredients that we use or of the highest quality and are bioactive and bioavailable, meaning they are easily absorbed and assimilated.

We partner with top researches and producers to create innovative and unique formulas, ingredients and encapsulation processes.

RodioX2™ and Spiralox® are two special ingredients that we extract using proprietary methods, making them even more potent.

The BioLayer® used in U-Mask® is also our proprietary filtering layer, leveraging the biotechnology and research of U-Earth Biotech.


Everything we create at the U-Earth Store is made with this mission in mind, helping our customers become the best they can be while respecting the planet at every stage of the product life cycle.

From biodegradable packaging, recyclable materials and high reusability, to zero-emission shipping, we strive to keep our product as sustainable as possible.

Every Purchase has a Purpose

The wider goal at U-Earth Biotech is to improve the air we breathe every day through advanced biotech air purification systems. Every product purchased from U-Earth Store helps support this mission to protect our world from air pollution.