Every Problem has a U-Mask solution!

Written by: U-Earth Store



Time to read 3 min

There are so many situations in which wearing a mask can help your health. U-Mask is one of the best protective face masks on the market and can be used for countless scenarios.

But with two models on the market, which is the most suitable for common mask-wearing situations? Let's find out.

u-mask model 3 by the u-earth store

Best Mask for Allergies and Illnesses

Alongside COVID and pollution, masks are a great way to protect against illnesses and allergies. From the flu to asthma, if you want to avoid getting sick or stop your respiratory system from ingesting harmful particles, choosing the right mask is crucial. 

  • The U-Mask Model 2.2 achieves more than 99% bacterial filtration capacity, so it’s great for everyday use to prevent you getting ill. 
  • But the U-Mask Model 3 provides an average filtration of 99.96% against very fine particles (0,02 - 2um) including viruses and smog particles. 

So, if you suffer from allergies easily, or the air quality makes your asthma worse, the Model 3 will be able to protect you from particles that could be causing these symptoms.

Best Face Mask for Flying

If you’re traveling by plane, many airline companies still require you to wear masks and, if not, many passengers still choose to wear them for their own safety and peace of mind. 

  • The U-Mask Model 2.2 provides 99% protection against bacteria (BFE) and acts against pathogens up to a maximum of 200 hours of respiratory use, so you’ll be well protected on a long-haul flight. 
  • The U-Mask Model 3 also protects against the smallest airborne particles, including dust and smog. 

This means both are suited to travel, however, the Model 3 provides greater protection against particles beyond bacteria, which you might find useful if you’re traveling somewhere with bad air quality. 

Best Face Mask for Everyday Travel

If you often use public transport to get around and you want to continue wearing a mask:

u-mask model 2.2 etnico by the u-earth store

Best PPE & FFP2 Mask - U-Mask Model 3

If you’re a professional and you work in an environment where you need to be protected, then PPE is recommended. The U-Mask Model 3 is an FFP2 R D mask and is certified as category III reusable PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) compliant – with EN 149:2001 + A1:2009. This means it’s able to provide full protection any time PPE is needed.

u-mask model 3 on rendered face

Best Face Mask for Glasses Wearers

If you wear glasses and need to wear a mask too, you’ve probably experienced how annoying it can be,  from steaming up to sliding down. We’ve made the U-Mask with comfort for all in mind. An unseen anti-slip clip, which is resistant to washing, is applied to the refill of both the U-Mask models at the bridge of the nose to make it even more adherent to the face, preventing it from sliding. 

u-mask model 2.2 custom for Prema Racing

Best Face Mask for Dust


  • you’re doing some DIY that creates dust
  • you live in a dusty environment
  • your work means you’re around this type of substance a lot

Dust can really irritate your throat, affecting your breathing and causing coughing.  

The inner filter of the U-Mask Model 3 includes a high-quality meltblown layer that offers specific protection against the smallest fine particles and dust, so this is the best model if you’re trying to protect yourself against dust specifically. 

The Best Sustainable Face Mask

If you are a conscious shopper who cares about the planet, both U-Mask models are the perfect answer. The outer part (the cover) is made from 100% regenerated nylon, which is created using ocean and landfill waste. This means:

  • Each U-Mask Model 2.2 saves the ocean from 50 surgical masks, on average 
  • The U-Mask Model 3 saves the ocean from 21 FFP masks, on average

The calculated monthly Carbon Footprint Equivalent (CFE) for production and usage of U-Mask Model 2.2 is 0,21kg and is 0.17kg for U-Mask Model 3. For example, ̋The Carbon Footprint of the Model 3 is only 16% of the average disposable FFP mask on a monthly basis. The Model 3 can also be hand washed up to 20 times, making it much more environmentally friendly than other single-use, disposable masks. 

Best Mask for Businesses

If you're a business, you can customise the U-Mask Model 3 with your logo and custom colour, so your brand identity is strong, no matter where your employees are. You can get yours by contacting us at support@u-earth.store

u-mask model custom for companies